John Foley’s well-known hymn describes a God who is near to the broken-hearted, who hears the cry of the poor. When our spirit is crushed, God is a safe shelter for our fears.
This year’s Bifrost conference will explore the intersection of worship, community, and mercy. Speakers will include Makoto Fujimura (Director of International Arts Movement), John Witvliet (Director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship), Greg Thompson (fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture), and Brother Emmanuel (brother from the worshipping community of Taize), as well as other panels and workshops.
We are also excited to have music from Sandra McCracken, Philadelphia Choral Arts, the Bifrost Arts Ensemble, and The Welcome Wagon. We hope you can join us!
Conference Check-in
Check-in will begin at 4:30pm on Monday, April 22 at Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral. You will receive all your conference materials at this time. See the Logistics page for more information about parking, etc. Opening night worship begins at 6:30pm and is open to the public. A reception for conference registrants will be hosted after opening worship. See our most recent blog post for more information about travel and opening night.
Walk-up Registration
We will be closing online registration on the evening before the event (April 21). We’re happy to offer walk-up registration–see rates here. We can accept cash, check, or credit card. Just show up at our opening location, Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral, between 4:30 and 6:30 to register (if possible, on the earlier side would be easier).
Exploring the benefits of learning English through art with online private English teachers
At first glance, language and art may seem like disparate disciplines. Yet, upon closer examination, their intersection reveals a symbiotic relationship that fosters holistic learning experiences. Art provides a visual and tactile medium through which language learners can engage with vocabulary, grammar, and syntax in context.
When it comes to learning English, arts offer a dynamic alternative to conventional language instruction methods that proves to be successful in language acquisition.
Harnessing arts and language with private English teachers online
The best way to learn English through arts is by having a private English teacher online so that you can design your lessons to your liking. Finding language schools where they combine arts with the language-learning process might be challenging, but finding online tutors who adapt lessons to your needs is not.